Poisoned by Shampoo?!
Are you unknowingly adding to your toxic burden with your personal care products? Many people are trying to exercise and eat right and...

Oral Health from a Natural Perspective
We have been taught that tooth decay is caused by too much sugar in our diets. While there is some truth to this it is really that most...

Tips for Keeping your Groceries Fresher, Longer
If you're eating healthy food then fresh produce and other foods that spoil easily will be a large part of your diet. So part of being a...

Do you realize that the only time in our lives when we like to get old is when we’re kids. If you’re less than 10 years old, you’re so...

Breakfast of Champions is NOT Cereal!
You have all heard me malign grains in general, however, most cereals fall under an even more unhealthy category: EXTRUDED grains! What...

Multi-vitamins -- Insurance or a Waste?
Many Americans are under the impression that we all need multi-vitamins. Advertisers try and convince us that a “one-a-day” will fill in...

ZINC - We gotta have it!
Zinc is an essential mineral which is found in nearly every type of cell. It is needed for all tissue growth and repair because it is the...