Breakfast of Champions is NOT Cereal!
You have all heard me malign grains in general, however, most cereals fall under an even more unhealthy category: EXTRUDED grains! What...

Multi-vitamins -- Insurance or a Waste?
Many Americans are under the impression that we all need multi-vitamins. Advertisers try and convince us that a “one-a-day” will fill in...

ZINC - We gotta have it!
Zinc is an essential mineral which is found in nearly every type of cell. It is needed for all tissue growth and repair because it is the...

Spring Cleaning with Essential Oils
Lemon Oil: Glass & Multi-Purpose Cleaner Add 12 Drops of Lemon oil to 4 Tbsp. White Vinegar Add 20 oz water in bottle and shake well...

Critical B12-Are You getting it?
Your body needs thirteen different vitamins in order to stay alive and remain healthy. These tiny molecules participate in thousands of...

The Bizarre Truth About Natural Flavors
If you aim to eat a healthy diet, then you probably take extra steps to avoid ingredients like food dyes, MSG, artificial flavors and...

Making Healthy Choices
One of the good things about summer time is more availability of fruits and veggies. These are the foods that do the most healing for our...

Is Your Drinking Water Clean?
In October of 2019 – The non-profit Environmental Working Group released a study on Dekalb County, Georgia’s tap water. In DeKalb County,...

Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink...
Water- so critical for us that we can only live approximately 3 days without it. It makes up the majority of our body weight and affects...

6 Scary Reasons to Stop Using DEET
DEET is arguably the most popular bug repellent in the U.S. Each year, millions of Americans spray it directly on their skin before...